Apply For The 2024-25 Preschool Program
Apply For The 2025-26 Preschool Program
Pinconning Area Schools offers preschool for 4 year old children with 2 classrooms at the Pinconning Advancement Academy and 1 classroom at Linwood Elementary. This program is funded through the Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP) of the Department of Education.
Students must be four years old by September 1st. Students can also be enrolled if their birthday falls between September 2nd and December 1st but that could require the student to attend two years of preschool. Students attend school Monday thru Thursday for full day sessions (7:45 am to 2:45 pm). Each classroom has a maximum capacity of 16 students. Two Home Visits and Parent/Teacher Conferences are also required.
Breakfast, lunch and afternoon snacks are available daily at no cost. Transportation is provided by Pinconning Area Schools for those within the district.
Students are involved in a variety of activity centers that help children develop as emerging language users and become more competent as listeners, speakers, readers, writers and viewers. Problem solving is the central focus of the mathematics curriculum as children work with their environment to build, modify, and integrate simple mathematical concepts. Outdoor time provides time to build large muscle strength and is a regular part of the day when weather permits. Field trips and Family Focus meetings allow parents to spend special time with their children while meeting other parents in the community.
All classrooms meet State standards in curriculum, facilities, and approaches to learning according to the "Early Childhood Standards of Quality for Pre-kindergarten". The programs are fully licensed through the State of Michigan.
Shawna Paulik, Adrienne O'Laughlin, and Heather Szymanski are the classroom teachers. Our teachers are highly qualified with a State of Michigan Teaching Certification with an endorsement in early childhood education.
For more information call 989-308-0562.